Thursday, February 17, 2011

HW#35: Other People's Perspective 1

I was actually relieved at the answers I received from my interviewees. All five of them had a strong belief that birth is beautiful and natural. Though the process of birth can be painful or stressful, a baby is the start of a new life that should be treasured and loved. One respondent mentioned that, "We live in a culture that is silencing toward women's bodies, especially silencing of birth. Being able to birth where you want and with whoever you want is an essential facet of the struggle for reproductive rights." I can tell from those words that she is strongly dissatisfied at today's culture because birth is indeed, a right. Even if society views birth in a negative way, our strong beliefs that birth is beautiful still stays.

Another respondent mentioned that, "you never know how much of an impact the new born can have on the world." I found myself agreeing with this statement. Every individual, every life, can contribute to the world we live in-which just shows that birth is beautiful. The only difference in answers was about the controversy of abortion, which is understandable. One views that abortion is the killing of a life while those who are for it strongly said that the choice should be there. A respondent said that an abortion should be a choice if the pregnant woman has too many financial problems to even take care of a child. Either way, I can see that both sides have strong beliefs because they find value in what is best for the baby.

It is obvious from these answers that their dominant perspective on birth is the sacredness of a new life and the potential it brings to the world. Most of the respondents had a clear opinion on abortion which is a dominant controversy. Experience of seeing a baby and hearing about 'how cute we were when we were babies' from our parents affect the majority to feel a strong importance and beauty in a new life. Though our culture may be silencing our rights to birth, many women find that birth is a great thing. I think our history has also shaped our perception of beauty because women had fought for the rights of abortion and privacy. Perhaps that feeling of having strong beliefs in our rights is still existent.

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