Comments to other group members:
To Raven:
"I found your post really interesting. The post made me re-think about the difficulty and feelings that comes across people during the process of birth. A line in particular that I liked was, "When she became pregnant it was no longer about herself, it was about “I have a baby growing inside of me, what I need to do to take care of this child?” She also began talking about how through raising children you are able to reflect and change some of the things you were brought up with." This is a pattern I notice with the people I interviewed as well. I think its because a new life brings joy but also a responsibility. And, raising a child is no easy task so mothers always learn a few life lessons along the way. This makes me wonder if there is such a thing as an 'ideal' way to raise a child if the parent is also in a way learning from the new life."
To Ben:
"I found your post really interesting. I also interviewed a teen mother where the father also stayed by her side. I was really moved because I saw photos of the couple holding and smiling at the new born. This furthered my question of whether teen pregnancy is really all that bad if it is raised by loving parents. A line I liked was, "In fact, he did not even mention the possibility of abortion to her, and when she finally brought it up as something she would prefer not to do, he agreed 100 percent. This was practically shocking to me; its as if this 17 year old boy who has not even finished high school yet feels that he is ready and wants a child." This may seem irrational at first, but I also think that the idea of birth provokes the decision of not doing abortion if it is the killing of a new life."
Comments on my HW#36
From Raven:
"I enjoyed reading the account of your birth and it’s interesting that you mentioned the experience a person has with giving birth. I have always wondered what makes someone more experienced with giving birth than the next person and that is something I hope to learn in this unit. I also liked the line: “Living in Japan, my mother was affected by the assumptions people made about marriage and birth. This made me wonder if the culture here, in America, affects our decisions about pregnancy and birth as well.” I do believe the cultures in our society do influencec the way we view the process of pregnancy and birth because we follow the cultures of our society. I enjoyed reading your blog."
From Mom:
"I really enjoyed reading your post. I was also surprised about the teen mother, but through your post I found myself agreeing. If the mother has no regret with the child and really cherishes the new life, society should not be putting mothers down just because of age. A line I liked was, "My interview with her contradicted all my negative images of teen pregnancy. This dosn't mean we should have babies at a young age-but I'm starting to think it isn't always bad as long as your responsible enough."
From Ben:
"I was inspired by the amount of interesting ideas that I had not previously thought about that you were able to fit into this post. For instance, the way you describe your mothers reasons for having a child was largely based on cultural practices was very eye-opening for me. However, your most thought provoking line in my opinion was, "At first I felt bad for her, but I learned from her that having a baby at a young age isn't a 'mistake.' At least she dosn't think so. Why does our culture put down teen pregnancy so much?" This sentence really made me realize that so many people in our society look down on teen pregnancy, and yet usually don't provide any legitimate reasoning or evidence for their opinions. Great job!"
From Angela (Younger Commentor)
""Why does our culture put down teen pregnancy so much?"
I have to agree with this line because where my family is from, in Mexico it is quite common for most teenagers to be pregnant at this age, if not by their 20's. It seems that depending the culture, it will either reject or accept this idea. It was great that you got 3 people with 3 different experiences on the exact same subject and I feel that you also may have changed my mind a little. Maybe as long as you have the right support pregnancy shouldnt be looked as bad."
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