Saturday, April 30, 2011

HW #49: Comments on Best of Your Break HW

To Raven:

"I found these perspectives on caring for the dead were very interesting and thought-provacative. I also thought you did a good job analyzing these interviewees. One line I found insightful was, "...if people understood the promise of heaven and if they knew it was a place they would be going they would no longer be afraid about death." Though I don't have a clear opinon/belief around afterdeath and heaven I think this is one of the reasons why I fear death. If I had a certainty that nothing negative will happen when I die, than my fear wouldn't be that serious."

To Ben:

"I found your post very interesting and got me thinking. I did not think the first thing your interviewees thought of when hearing the word 'death' was those that are close to them. I found this particularly interesting because I remember one of my close relatives had told me before that she worries more about my my life than her death-which was a shock to me at the moment but after reading your post I think it makes more sense."

Comments on my Hw#47:

From Mom:

"I found your post a very interesting read. Even for me, I don't know exactly how I want my body to be treated after death so it makes sense that teenagers and young adults are indecisive about these choices. I found this line insightful, "After interviewing a few people, I realized myself agreeing (or at least understanding) with most of the answers I received. Maybe its because we were close in age, and that affects our perceptions and ideas on death and our bodies." I agree that age does have an affect on how we perceive death or how much we think about it."

From Ben:

"I really enjoyed reading this post, particularly because you were able to find three relatively different opinions, and your post also introduced a factor of caring for the dead that I had never really thought about before, which is cost. Now that I think about it, the casket's in which most people are buried are probably pretty expensive, which just adds to my list of reasons why I am thinking of choosing cremation over burial as well. Overall, this post did a good job of getting me thinking. One question- Have you ever confronted someone who has experienced or thought about other ways of caring for the dead besides cremation and burial?"

From Raven:

"Your post was very interesting because I also agree that a social norm in our society is that funerals should be depressing but if everyone is going to die one day death should not be something we mourn. I have not decided how I want to die because it's difficult to decide if I would like to be cremated or donate my organs but hopefully by the end of this unit I will decide. A question I have for you is: Do you think religion is the only determining factor for the way we want to die?"

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