(http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm) I guess I was a little under the amount of calories intake I should be having.
Wednesday, September 29 lunch: Leftover curry flavored fried rice.
Wednesday, September 29, dinner meal:
last night's leftovers and sauteed potatoes with seasoning.
For september 29 meals, my calories ended up being about 1,472.165 calories. This is a little above the average intake I should be having, which just shows that the amount of calories I intake varies from day to day.
For this particular day, I ate leftovers from last night. The rice was very soft and I like the smell of curry. The gumbo soup was something my mom bought to make something quick, so it tasted stronger than the other foods on the dinner table. My mother's home cooked meals have a certain taste I love, but it isn't necessarily too salty or strong in taste. (That's probably why I usually never get tired of her meals). I love cucumbers, I like the crunchy sounds it makes when I bite into it. The eggplants were very wet and soft, since I like it a bit overcooked in a way. The potatoes were very soft and cut into bitable pieces.
Looking at the food I ate over these two days, I have realized that I eat more healthier than I thought. I'm only a few calories over or below the amount I should intake. I think its because my mother cares about our health and the nutrients we take in. Also, when I was looking up the calories, I had to just choose general foods since obviously these sites would not have Japanese cuisine or specific meals listed. I think its important to log how many calories we intake like this assignment, and check in once in a while if we are eating "healthy enough." But, I also think people should not over stress about what they eat, because enjoying the food we eat is a positive thing in itself-as long as we don't eat too unhealthy our health will be fine.
In these two days, I enjoyed eating last night's dinner the most. Like usual, my mom cooked a little bit of everything to be both healthy and delicious at the same time. She always cooks what I enjoy, whether it be soup, rice, or potatoes. I think I also enjoy my dinner meals most because I know my mother puts a lot of effort in her meals and that makes me very thankful for her cooking. I enjoy lunch, but for different reasons-its only because I'm eating with friends I love and enjoy being with. The food itself is usually pizza or deli food, and can get boring for a set period of time. That's why lately I decide to take leftovers from dinner for lunch, because I really do love my mother's cooking.
In general, I do feel good about the food I eat. I don't stress myself or think about "eating healthy" and I'm simply just enjoying the taste of everything I eat. For dinner, I don't necessarily choose what to eat-I leave that to my mother. For lunch, when I don't bring home lunch, I just go along with what my friends want to eat, or where they want to go. I don't consider myself a very picky person, so I'm cool with whatever food as long as we don't eat the same foods so many times in a row.
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