Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HW#33: Comments

For Sarah:

"I really enjoyed reading your post! I found the post very detailed in imagery and grabbed my interest in reading it thoroughly. I agree that though death is unavoidable we should not fear death itself. I found this line very interesting, "Although what happens to our body isn’t always up to us, our minds and spirits are in our complete control. By knowing this the defeatist attitude about getting old, should be altered." I found this very insightful and I do agree that our negative attitude towards the elderly really needs to be changed. There is no shame in age."

For Stephanie:

"I found your post very insightful and I agree on your ideas-our society is indeed greedy and its silly how we do not have free health care. Its actually not that difficult because a lot of other countries as you mentioned-have universal free health care. A line in particular I liked was,"Overall America should be more opened minded about how they plan on helping American medical patients in the future." I found this very deep-and I do agree that by being more accepting we can have a better system for the ill and dying."

For Jay:

"I actually liked this post a lot because it took on a point of view that was not only different but also full of confidence. I especially liked the line, "I see it as capitalism at it's best. People seeing oppurtunity to profit where others do not." You make a good point about Capitalism and the point of the system is to profit. I found a lot of insights in your post and found it very interesting."

Comments on my HW#32:

From Mom:

"I really enjoyed this post. It was very clear and showed your reflection on what you felt toward the unit and the fear of death that still exists. I found this line very thoughful: "But, at the same time maybe there's no escape-and I'll just end up dying on a hospital bed wishing to be home surrounded by my family." We want our last moments to be a happy one, and sometimes its just scary to even think that it probably won't be. I agree that realistically as we grow old, we become more lonely while also hoping that the end of our lives won't be as lonesome."

From Stephanie:

"I was very impressed by this post, I sensed growth and a new level of maturity while reading through your final post about the unit. Just like you I am afraid what the future holds but I;m sure of one thing, I will not be dying in a nursing home or hospital. Your final thoughts were really strong and I enjoyed reading all your post about dying and illness. Keep up the great work!"

From Sarah:

"I found your post honest and real. Although you seem to have grown you still are unsure about how you want to lead your life, which is perfectly fine. I thought it was interesting that even after all we know about hospitals you still would go to one in a time of need. Honestly, I would probably do the same. I think your writing and insights have grown, and this is very evident especially in this post. Great Job Megumi! :)"

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