For Sarah:
"I found your post very insightful and deep. The post painted a great visual that made me want to read more. I found this line particularly insightful, "It was as if this woman was slowly turning back into an infant with no sense of her surroundings." This line moved me, along with the whole post in general."
For Stephanie:
"I found your post very moving and explicitly showed your reactions and emotions toward this figure. A line I found very insightful was, "It is possible that she doesn't want to feel like she is relying on medicine to keep her alive and she wants to die "naturally" and if it's her time to go she wants to just go." I also found it ironic that this figure was the complete oppostite as my grandmother who relies on medicine because she's afraid of death. The post made me question how we should use medicine."
For Jay:
"I actually found this post interesting, and brought up a few things that caught my attention. One line that I liked was, "I think its wrong, people should be allowed their privacy. Yes, sure the have the right to say no, buy even if they had said yes, even if they wanted to be interviewed I'd still feel wrong about it." I do agree with you on this, because I also felt it was too personal about doing this particular homework assignment. It just feels wrong to observe and analyze ill people."
Comments on my HW#27:
I thought your post showed your emotions and was a moving post in general. I thought you painted the person well through your perspective. I found the line, "Watching her sometimes frustrates me-especially on those days I sleep in late and end up doing nothing productive. Having an ill person so close in my life makes me question myself if I'm making my own life meaningful at all," very thought provoking ad grabbed my attention. I guess when people are healthy and not ill, people tend to value less about our lives.
From Sarah:
Megumi - I found your blog post very captivating and personal. You really went into depth with your own feelings about what was happening. I liked that you connected it directly to the other sources used in this class. The line, "I was shocked but I knew I had to stay strong so I could reassure her that everything will be okay." It made me think about how whenever I am around someone who is very sick I often get more emotional than they are. It seems like the person who isn't sick is more scared than the person actually suffering. I enjoyed reading this nicely written story.
From Steph:
While reading your post two sentences really popped out to me. The first being "Right now, I see her as a strong independent figure that continues to teach me the importance of living." I was impressed by this sentence because it is very strong and powerful and I personally would feel great hearing this from a loved one it would give me the courage to keep fighting. The second sentence that popped out to me was "I was shocked but I knew I had to stay strong so I could reassure her that everything will be okay" This popped out to me because although your sad you know you have to stay strong for your loved one because the struggle is a lot harder for her. Your post was very inspirational and drew me in great job.
Crissy (Younger reader):
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